Savannah Breeder Directory
The Savannah is a tall lean graceful cat with striking dark spots and other bold markings. It is a domestic breed which closely resembles its ancestral source, the African Serval, but is smaller in stature. It is affectionate and outgoing, with exceptionally long neck, legs, and tall ears, as well as a medium length tail, the Savannah is both unusual and beautiful. The Savannah is also an exceptionally graceful and well balanced cat.
The Savannah is a very curious, assertive cat that seeks out adventure at every opportunity. It is a very active cat, that needs a great deal of interaction on a daily basis, either with its human family or with a companion cat. It is also a very loyal cat who will bond strongly with its human family. It is not a lap cat, but will show affection on its own terms, often by greeting family members at the door, following them around the house and giving frequent headbutts. Many Savannahs love to play in water. They can easily be trained to walk on a leash with a harness, and most love to play games such as fetch.
Currently, no Savannah breed-specific health issues are established. Some veterinarians have noted servals have smaller livers relative to their body sizes than domestic cats, and some Savannahs inherit this, so care is advised in prescribing some medications. Lower doses per unit of weight of the cat may be necessary. In addition, the blood values of Savannahs may vary from the typical domestic cat, due to the serval genes.
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