European Burmese Breeder Directory
Just like the Traditional Burmese, the Traditional European Burmese originate from the first of the breed, Wong Mau, who was imported to the U.S. by Dr. Thompson in 1930. Since she was the only Traditional Burmese, Wong Mau was bred to Siamese, producing litters of both solid and pointed coloration. From then on only the solid colored kittens were used in the breeding programs of enthusiasts to perpetuate the breed.
The Traditional European Burmese make excellent pets due to their high intelligence, loyalty, and outstanding affectionate ways. They love people, other pets and make top notch companions.
Both pedigreed cats and mixed-breed cats have varying incidences of health problems that may be genetic in nature. European Burmese are generally healthy, although they can be prone to gingivitis and may be sensitive to anesthesia. The soft, short coat of the European Burmese is easily cared for with weekly brushing or combing to remove dead hair and distribute skin oil. A bath is rarely necessary.
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