20 cat pics to boost your health!
- Heart Health: Owning a cat can lower your blood pressure, decrease your risk of heart disease and heart attack, lower triglycerides, and decrease your risk of stroke!
- Boosts immunity: By being exposed to cat dander, you increase your resistance to allergens - you’ll be thanking your cat when allergy season hits.
- Reduced carbon footprint: A study in 2009 found that over a lifetime, the resources to care for a dog make the same eco-footprint as that of a hummer, while a cat (which in general eat less, and are more likely to eat fish ingredients more than corn or beef flavored products) only have a carbon footprint about the size of a small hatchback.
- Therapeutic benefits: The calming effect of petting a cat triggers the release of oxytocin - the hormone known for inducing the feelings of love and trust. Studies have also found that children with autism were more likely to be less anxious and calm while petting a cat. This goes hand-in-hand with my favorite benefit of being a cat owner…
- Reduced stress and anxiety: The overall presence of a cat typically makes pet lovers happy. Owning a cat can be soothing and trigger calming chemicals in the body, which decreases stress and anxiety. One study showed that snuggling a cat for 5 minutes, or even watching videos of cats for 15 minutes can release the same amount of “happiness hormones” as eating a small bar of chocolate!
So without further ado, here’s your daily health boost - enjoy!